オバマ元大統領の就任式で国歌独唱するビヨンセ(2013年1月31日)  ABC News-YouTube

<ミシェル・オバマ元大統領夫人が、カントリーソングをリリースし、ビルボードのカントリー・アルバム・チャートで黒人女性初となる首位に輝いたビヨンセを称賛。同時に楽曲『Ya Ya』の歌詞を引き合いに出し、11月の米大統領選に向けて有権者登録を呼びかけた。2013年にはオバマ元大統領の就任式で国歌独唱も務めた>




Michelle Obama(@michelleobama)がシェアした投稿

Together, we can stand up for what we believe in, and we must do that at the ballot box this year. The issues that impact us most are on the ballot across the country -- from equal pay and racial justice to reproductive healthcare and climate change. And as Queen Bey says at the...

— Michelle Obama (@MichelleObama) April 2, 2024


Michelle Obama wishes Beyoncé a happy birthday:

"Happy birthday, Bey! Your talent and music has brought so much joy to all of our lives. You're truly one-of-one, and I'm just so proud of you! " pic.twitter.com/UyZwv3TEXr

— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) September 4, 2023





Prince Harry seeing Beyoncé in LA with Mee-Gain. He looks like he's being held hostage. pic.twitter.com/9mDJifvOtT

— Darren Grimes (@darrengrimes_) September 2, 2023

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry at the Renaissance World Tour night 1 in Inglewood! pic.twitter.com/xHLhBDoJZL

— (@bluesbabysitter) September 2, 2023
